Mental Blocks: A Concise Corporate Guide to Employee Mental Health
How well are organizations navigating the top 3 mental health conditions that affect their bottom line? There is a constantly changing landscape of the new workforce in America? This this book is written for the leaders and managers in the current workplace who are seeking to support their employees who are struggling with underperformance issues stemming from mental health symptoms. In this provocative discussion to Leaders and Managers, Dr. Ken Richmond seeks to rally #Leaders who have a sense of urgency to address mental health stigma in today’s workplace. From discussing real-world examples of what depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders can look like for your employees to teaching leaders and managers how to begin a discussion for employees in any industry, this book drives home the notion that the human condition is seen in every industry. Dr. Richmond also mentions the impact of the age-related considerations, as well as the impact of medical and psychiatric comorbidities employees bring into the workplace. Within organizations, we must quickly learn how to Pinpoint issues and Pivot in a timely, effective manner. Overall, the hope is that organizational leaders will begin to renew their commitment to proactively address health issues by making a conscious effort to partner with mental health providers in non-traditional yet effective ways.